last updated 11/27/2020

COVID-19 Operations

Spring pollen season is here. We understand that the symptoms of allergy and asthma can be confusing for our patients to distinguish at times from symptoms of COVID-19. We also realize that a lot of our patients are on treatment plans that cannot be interrupted. At Boston Food Allergy Center the safety of our staff and patients is our top priority. Our dedicated team has made a decision to keep the clinic open for all those patients who need to be evaluated or treated in person. At the same time, we offering options such as virtual consult and telemedicine for patients who do not need to be evaluated in person to ensure that their medical care remains seamless and minimizes unnecessary risk to our staff and patients.

On March 15, 2020, Massachusetts issued an order requiring commercial insurers to cover medically necessary telehealth services in the same manner as in-person services. You can schedule an in-person or telemedicine visit here.

To practice social distancing, we ask you:

  1. Please come alone, except for pediatric patients (1 guardian is allowed).

  2. Please do not bring siblings, spouse, friend or pets (sorry).

  3. Please wear a mask. Masks are available at a nominal fee if needed.

  4. Please call our office to do a remote “check-in” to minimize contact.

To protect our at-risk patients, please do not come to our office, but do call us if:

  1. You had a fever in the past 14 days (temp > 100F)

  2. You have travelled out of state in the past 14 days.

  3. You have on-ongoing active COVID-19 infection

  4. You may have contacted a person who might have been exposed to COVID-19 or has travelled within the past 14 days

  5. You have been advised by your physician, board of health or other government agency to self quarantine.

When you arrive at our office, we will:

  1. Ask for travel history and assess symptoms.

  2. Check your temperature at the check-in using non-contact infrared thermometer.

  3. Ask you to sanitize your hands.

  4. Make sure your mask is put on properly.

Additional measures we have been implementing since early March:

  1. All hard surfaces will be wiped down with disinfectant every hour on the hour.

  2. All infusion chairs and exam rooms will be disinfected immediately after each use.

  3. Removal of non-essential items from waiting areas and exam rooms (magazines, toys, books, etc.)

  4. One-time-use pens are provided at frontdesk.

  5. Employees’ temperatures are measured twice a day.

  6. Sick employees are not allowed to come to work.

  7. All employees are required to wear masks and appropriate personal protective equipment.

  8. All employees sanitize their hands after each patient encounter.

  9. All employees are required to avoid public transportation. Alternate arrangements for transportation have been made for employees that need assistance with commuting.

  10. Sneeze guards have been installed at the front desk to protect patients and staff.